
viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

The Corporatization of Street Dealing

A persistent narrative of narco issues south of the border maintains that violence is largely over the struggle to control drug routes leading into the dope-ridden United States, the world’s largest consumer of illegal drugs.  Yet, an increasing share of Mexican narco-violence can be attributed to conflicts over domination of the country’s own expanding domestic market. From Tijuana to Tapachula and from Monterrey to Mexico City, the internal market is thriving as sales of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and methamphetamine all meet a demand that’s soared since the early 1990s. 

“Truth be told, the sale and consumption of drugs has never diminished in this city, said Catalina Castillo, director of Ciudad Juarez’s Independent Popular Organization, a civil society organization that works in low-income communities of the Mexican border city. “One of the things that has us on alert is that every day there are more young consumers, especially adolescents, who are taking drugs.” 

Today’s retail drug business is ever more sophisticated, with substances designed and delivered by well-organized, top-down enterprises that employ thousands of people,  and which assign each individual  a specialized role in a specific market zone.  In short, it’s the corporatization of street dealing. 

A  conservative estimate of the value of the market in Ciudad Juarez alone came up with the sum of $115 million derived annually from the proceeds of 6,000 drug distribution outlets, or “tienditas,” as they are called in popular lingo. Farther to the south, in the state capital of Chihuahua City, the number of small-scale narco-stores is estimated to reach 3,500. 

One examination of the geography of drug distribution in Ciudad Juarez reported that  80 percent of the retail drug outlets are located in less than 20 neighborhoods-La Chavena, El Barreal, Riberas del Bravo, and Division del Norte among them.  The same neighborhoods have figured high on the zonal list of repeat violent incidents in recent years.  A 2012 health department study estimated there were 45,000 drug users in Ciudad Juarez. 

In Mexico, consumer segments include factory workers, housewives, professionals, business people, students, and the unemployed.  In the Digital Age, modern communications have greatly facilitated the drug trade. Widely publicized in social media, the youth parties known as raves attract hundreds to events where electronic music, drugs, alcohol, and sex are the ritualistic glue. 

In a new twist, local police in Chihuahua City this month raided one such rave where they claimed the organizers were raffling off three underage girls for sex. The bash billed a swimming pool, snacks and security as available for attendees.  Municipal police reported confiscating small quantities of marijuana, cocaine and pills. 

The northern industrial city of Monterrey is another hot drug market.  According to one anonymous Mexican military source quoted in the press, the small narco stores,  protected by municipal police or members of street gangs, individually bring in about $3,000 every month.  Additional distribution functions are performed by strippers at the large number of table dance joints in the city. Thousands of Monterrey residents are employed as packagers, look-outs, distributors and enforcers. Disguised as electronics or textile firms, small processing plants operate around the clock in shifts of 30 mainly female workers, who package the drugs for sale.  

To specify brand-and the cartel-plastic bags for marijuana are variously stamped with images of the plant, a panther head or a naughty boy known as a “chico malo.” The plastic bags are colored differently to distinguish the day of intended distribution and the zone of the city. Unfortunates found selling off-colored bags are subject to beatings or executions.  When detected, independent dealers are told to toe the corporate line or be killed. In Monterrey, retail prices for marijuana range from less than $10 to less than $30, while cocaine is sold in small packets for prices cheaper than $30.  

Growing business sophistication is likewise evident in Mexico City.  Officials in the Mexican capital have long promoted their city as above the violent mayhem that’s shook much of the country in the last several years, but a brisk business in illegal, mind-altering substances buzzes along in the nightclubs of the Roma-Condesa, Polanco and other popular entertainment districts.

Business as usual was partially disrupted by the mass kidnapping and murders of 13 young people from the after-hours Heaven club last May.  Reports later attributed the crime to a drug-dealing turf dispute between two groups, including La Union of the Tepito barrio. Interviewed in the aftermath of the kidnapping, some owners of Roma-Condesa nightclubs claimed that groups of armed men were pressuring the clubs to allow drug sales within business premises. 

According to the same owners, the retail drug business has greatly changed during the last two years. Previously, interested buyers purchased drugs from valet attendants, waiters, taxi drivers, street vendors, and others outside the clubs. Now, five-person cells linked to a criminal organization work inside the clubs. Each cell includes a marketer, the direct salesperson and lookouts. 

In what is likely a very conservative estimate, Carlos Zamudio of the Collective for an Integral Drug Policy calculated that 100,000 Mexico City drug users spend on average $20.00 each to satisfy their habits every week. Cocaine is cheap in the Federal District, Zamudio said, varying in price from about $10.00 to $48.00 per gram- depending on the quality.  Overall,  Mexico City’s  retail drug market brings in approximately $100 million annually, in Zamudio’s estimation. 

The explosion of the domestic drug market coincided with sweeping economic changes beginning about 30 years ago. International commerce from globalization and free trade pacts facilitated the flow of precursor chemicals and refined products, while the decline in formal employment and the corresponding boom in informal jobs provided fertile ground for drug distribution.  On the streets, the familiar taxi driver, flower seller or hot dog and burrito vendor might well have more for sale than the publicly advertised product at hand.

Sources:  Proceso/Apro, September 4, 6 and 10,  2013.  Articles by Raul Monge and editorial staff. Nortedigital.mx, July 4 and 6, 2013; August 23, 2013. Articles by Miguel Vargas and Hector Macias. El Diario de Juarez, July 14 and September 9, 2013. Articles by Luz del Carmen Sosa and editorial staff. El Universal, July 2, 2013.  

Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news
Center for Latin American and Border Studies
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, New Mexico

For a free electronic subscription

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013


Bella Alemán: se perfila triunfadora en Frontera, Coahuila

Conrado García Jamin

Las contiendas políticas, en especial las municipales, se convierten en guerras encarnizadas por la búsqueda del poder. Para muchos candidatos y partidos, es fundamental el demostrar que se es la mejor opción y dejar bien claro que el adversario es la peor.
Para ello, muchos de sus operadores diseñarán estrategias de guerra sucia, con el objetivo de desprestigiar a los contendientes rivales y destruir en la manera de lo posible su imagen pública.

El término con el que conocemos estas maniobras electorales es “guerra sucia”     -como si se pudiera concebir una guerra “limpia”-; se trata de una serie de estrategias, en su mayoría de carácter mediático, que tienen como fin el exponer al candidato rival como un verdadero engendro del infierno, un ser capaz de destruir al país entero en todos los sentidos, si llega al poder.
Voy a referirme a los municipios del centro de Coahuila, particularmente Frontera y Monclova, que históricamente han mostrado un exacerbamiento extremo cuando de campañas políticas de trata.
En ambos municipios han circulado panfletos insultantes, difamatorios y ruines, que no contemplan siquiera el mínimo respeto para los contendientes y sus respectivas familias.
No conformes con denostar a los candidatos, son tan torpes que exhiben de inmediato que se trata de militantes inconformes que se sienten desplazados en sus pretensiones políticas y utilizan el recurso de la vileza como desahogo.
Esos mismos sujetos (as) gastan tiempo en las redes sociales para seguir sus campañas de rencor y resentimiento social, por citar algunos: LIDERESAS FRONTERA, DE LA O, ALZAMESTAYA-MESTA, EXOC FRONTERA, EXOC ESTATAL DE COAHUILA y otros personajes ficticios de Facebook desde los que cobardemente lanzan la piedra y esconden la mano.
Desde luego que están cometiendo una serie de delitos que están siendo investigados por la Unidad Cibernética de la Procuraduría de Justicia y que pasando el proceso electoral hará lo conducente con los ya identificados calumniadores: procesarlos penalmente.
Por cierto, según una lista a la que se nos permitió el acceso, los involucrados en la propaganda negra de Frontera, pertenecen al PRI, PT, PVEM y eso nos obliga a cuestionar si se trata de “guerra sucia o Fuego Amigo”.
La guerra sucia en sí no es nada nuevo, simplemente cambió de nombre. Desde que se concibió el término propaganda, que son todas aquellas acciones para la difusión de las ideas, la labor y la personalidad de personajes políticos o gobiernos, se contempló también la llamada propaganda negra, cuyo fin es la difusión de rumores, noticias, chismes, difamaciones y calumnias de los rivales políticos en turno.
La propaganda negra es la mamá de la guerra sucia, el término cambió cuando en las campañas se contemplaron estrategias de marketing político, que a la larga fueron las que se impusieron ante las viejas fórmulas de hacer proselitismo.
Eso es lo que hacen unos pocos sociópatas de Frontera que pierden su tiempo con sus ataques impregnados con la hiel del resentimiento social, intentando en vano desprestigiar a Bella Alemán y su equipo de trabajo, quienes se perfilan como seguros ganadores de la contienda por la alcaldía.

La guerra sucia suele ser un trabajo muy laborioso y de grandes costos en un proceso electoral. Hay partidos políticos que gastan millones de pesos tan solo en este rubro durante la campaña.
Se comienza con una profunda investigación del personaje en cuestión, en la que se analizan todos aquellos aspectos personales, sociales y políticos que pudieran servir como arma para atacarlo; desde malas calificaciones en la escuela, traumas y antecedentes familiares, sus problemas de pareja, videos o fotografías con personajes políticamente “incómodos”, o errores u omisiones como servidor público; todo es útil, y todo se puede encauzar en una estrategia mediática que destruya su credibilidad y congruencia.
Las organizaciones promotoras de la guerra sucia llegan a caer, incluso, en tácticas ilegales, como son el espionaje telefónico o en video, los cuales son tergiversados y difundidos de manera anónima para deslindar responsabilidades.
A los niveles municipales no se guardan límites: atacan sin bases, calumnian, difaman, enlodan y extorsionan.
Ya con el material, y bajo la histórica premisa de que “la primera mentira es la que se cree”, los operadores ocultos (pero ya identificados) de los partidos minoritarios o los sujetos que se sienten desplazados, lanzan bombas de suciedad en las redes sociales o con volantes anónimos para provocar reacciones en la opinión pública, lo que implica necesariamente una molestia del adversario golpeado que en muchas ocasiones le resulta contraproducente; así se provoca un daño del que solamente los hechos reales, el poder de convocatoria, la simpatía y el trabajo previo, demuestran la falsedad de las acusaciones que pasan a convertirse en calumnias baratas.
Bella Alemán, en su carrera hacia la alcaldía de Frontera, tiene la certeza de llegar a su objetivo con todas las de la ley, apoyada por quienes somos originarios de ese municipio y conocemos su incansable dedicación. Los que le ladran al avanzar, pues son eso: perros molestos.

Como votantes responsables,  los ciudadanos deben convertirse en observadores de la estrategia mediática de los candidatos y partidos políticos y sobre todo, el valorar la información que se proporciona de ellos.
Hay que identificar qué organizaciones políticas trabajan más en la guerra sucia al adversario que en la propuesta política del candidato. Todos y cada uno de los contendientes son personajes con defectos, omisiones, compromisos ideológicos y políticos; no obstante, es conveniente observar detenidamente cuáles son las implicaciones del mensaje que se nos transmite de ellos y quiénes se verían beneficiados con la destrucción de su imagen pública.
Los ciudadanos deben asumir su responsabilidad política de despertar las suspicacias necesarias para cuestionar la validez de la información que se les transmite de los candidatos y partidos. No porque esté en Internet o haya salido en televisión merecen la credibilidad absoluta.
Cuando un partido o candidato cae en la guerra sucia, suele ser porque su propuesta es débil y teme a la superioridad de su adversario, y lo peor que pueden hacer los ciudadanos es convertirse en instrumentos de los políticos participando en estas maniobras desleales. Una victoria política basada en la guerra sucia la suelen promover personajes turbios que buscan el poder por el poder mismo; en las manos de los hombres y mujeres que votarán el 7 de julio está el desecharlos y el darle a la política algo de dignificación.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013



lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Kombo Kolombia Band Tortured and Dismembered

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
16 Members and 4 others went missing Thursday at least 8 bodies found

Authorities of Nuevo Leon state performed an intense mobilization in the municipality of Mina on Sunday afternoon after an anonymous call alerted  the whereabouts of the members of the musical group Kombo Kolombia. The group was kidnapped by an armed group last Friday morning.
The police officers received the mysterious call and headed to the location given to them.  At kilometer 92 of the highway to Monclova, a water well (other reports say "mine")  was located and several bodies inside.
      -click to enlarge-
Troopers of the Civil Force, the Mexican Army, and Federal Police secured the area to allow staff of the State Agency of Investigations to perform their work.
The clandestine grave was found near a road to El Espinazo community.
Credible reports indicate that the l bodies have been found in that location. The anonymous call to the authorities also mentioned the bodies were from members of the Kombo Kolombia band.
Other reports mention that the members of the Kombo Kolombia band were tortured and executed. The bodies were dismembered and buried in the clandestine grave.
It was after a private performance on Thursday night that the band disappeared from the city of Hidalgo about 80 miles north of Monterrey and 40 miles south of the US border.  On Friday at 4 AM citizens in the area where the bodies were found hear a series of gunshots and vehicles speeding away.

One unidentified member managed to escape and alert the army.  He reports that they were loaded onto a truck at the La Carreta and taken in front of a well/mine at which time he managed to run and jump into a hole and hide.
Most of the band members lived in Monterrey and at least one is a citizen of Colombia.
It is not known why the group would be targeted, unlike other bands they did not sing narco corridos, songs that glorify drug traffickers.  They stayed away from that genre of music.
Authorities are keep quiet and not sharing details but unofficial reports say at least 8 bodies were found at the site.  Keep in mind authorities have only confirmed that 8 bodies were retrieved so far, other details have been from other sources.
The Band's notebook

La Carreta the site of the private performance

The town of "Mina" where the bodies were found
Source: Neglected War and Chivis

sábado, 26 de enero de 2013